Barbican View of ‘Modern Couples’

barbicanCarers Express were invited to a community view at The Barbican to see an exhibition called ‘Modern Couples’. This is where the exhibition is opened just for different community groups, and there were refreshments, activities and tours.

We took part in an activity where we were in pairs. One person had to describe a picture to someone else that they couldn’t see, and they had to draw it. It was funny to see how different the pictures turned out to be, but it was also a good communication exercise and it made us really look in detail at the paintings.

Then we took a tour around the building, which was built after the area had been bombed in the second world war. The style is called ‘brutalist’ and one of us said it looked a bit like a car park.


The exhibition had art in it from famous couples who were both artists. There were performance artists going around the exhibition dressed completely in white, and they would walk really slowly, then stand still and stare at nothing. It was a bit freaky at first.

“I’m glad we did this. It was really interesting”

“I’ve never been here before and I wouldn’t have known about it”

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